Twilight of the Dark Knight is a project that started as an simple school project and turned out to be super fun project to work on. This game is an stratagy card game based on the game "Slay the Spire", me an the second developer "Owen Stas" have made this game with AI art and it turned out great with all the different art styles that we used.
- 2 Dev Project
- Unity
- C#
Enemy attack
I had to make the main enemy do several attacks so i used an integer array becouse this was very handy to use when neading different attacks from one specific enemy. it is also very easy to adjust in the inspector. you can also see that i did not use collision to detect interaction, I used a referance to my health script becouse there is no player object in the game itself
Turn controller
To make the game playable we needed a turn based system. I made this system using a timer that shows how much time you have left to play. i used an Bool Type to see if its the player his turn, in his turn he can play his cards with his 3 energy, after his turn the player his energy will reset for the next round.